Setting your System Preferences

To access system preferences, you must login as a user with an administrator role. See company roles for more information.

System Preferences stores generic settings which control some system-wide functions, including email, printers, file storage locations, backup and restore. The settings apply only to the user who is currently logged on.

You can access System Preferences in two ways:

  • On the Main Menu select Tools | System Preferences
  • In Navigator select Security | System Preferences

System Preferences contains a number of tabs:

  • General which is used for miscellaneous settings that are scattered throughout the system.
  • File Locations which is used to set locations for files generated by the system, including backups and EFT files.
  • Appearance which looks at the desktop colours for the current user.
  • Enquiries which shows each of the report enquiry screens, its default report, and the report which is currently assigned.
  • Email has two tabs: Email Settings which is used to control email settings and Email Preferences which is used to set a confidentiality statement and encrypt or password protect attachments.
  • Payrun which refers to how Payrun will appear and behave.
  • Security which refers to the use of passwords.
  • Search which specifies the 'look and feel' of the search function.
  • Human Resources which is used to specify if Position titles only are displayed in the Org Chart. (Only applicable to those with HRpack.)
  • OHS this allows you to specify a number of settings which are relevant only if you are using OHS.
  • Alerts which refers to the display and behaviour of To Do Task reminders.
  • Webservices: This is an advanced setting which references linking to external software. For more information, please discuss with your hr3 consultant or Support.